Digging deep into ingredients


Potatoes are one of the highly nutritious vegetables. They provide essential elements like potassium, and vitamin C in a whole-food source of carbohydrates. A study that was conducted by the University of Illinois found that potatoes can replace energy gels for refueling. They work great in boosting athletic performance and energy.  


Coconut oil contains a unique type of dietary fat known as a medium chain triglyceride (MTC). These saturated fatty acids are easily digested and immediately sent to the liver where they're used for energy production. Coconut oil also contains MYRISTIC ACID that’s known for supporting the cardiovascular system. Finally, PALMITIC ACID is great for boosting metabolism and acts as an emulsifier so that the nutrients from other ingredients mix more readily with water.


It was used for more than 3000 years ago to enhance athletic performance. Ancient Greek athletes during the Olympics, were given garlic before their competitions. Garlic is known to improve athletic performance by activating an enzyme that converts L-arginine into nitric oxide. In turn, this supports increased dilation of blood vessels.


Another ingredient that was used in the ancient times for different remedies. Using cumin in an endurance event increases antioxidant intake, promotes digestion, provides iron, may improve blood sugar control and may reduce food-borne illnesses.


In the sports world, beets are known for improving time-to-exhaustion and cardiorespiratory performance. The nitrates in beets are converted into nitric oxide, which promotes vasodilation of blood vessels to open up wider to allow more oxygen to fuel the cells.


It’s a powerful antioxidant, and antioxidants help with the recovery process. A study found that turmeric helps with muscle soreness and damage reduction. Turmeric works great for endurance as the body needs to actively recover to cover the long distance.  


It’s known to offer relief of muscle pain and is a great anti-inflammatory.  It’s rich in natural oils that aid the muscles in efficiently processing lactic acid and metabolic wastes. Recent studies show that these important oils can also help regenerate nerve activity, and strengthen cardiovascular function. As for the mental aspect of the endurance sports, rosemary oil in particular has been shown to clear brain fog, sharpen critical faculties and assist in focus.


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